What’s the Noise Coming From My Ductless AC in Orlando, FL?

Ductless HVAC systems have a reputation for being surprisingly quiet. While they can create a few muffled sounds during normal operation, they should never be so loud that they disrupt your Orlando, FL household. Here are a few common ductless AC sounds and what they mean.


When your ductless system is in good health, it may make gentle clicking or whirring sounds. These often occur due to the system’s thermal expansion process. A faint rushing liquid noise is the refrigerant moving from inside to outside your home.

During the cooler months, you may notice a distinctive whooshing when the system starts a defrost cycle. Any out-of-the-ordinary noise coming from your ductless AC could mean the system needs professional repair service.


A loud bubbling or hissing sound may come from air bubbles forming in the refrigerant line. This often only occurs when the line has a significant leak. You can also hear irregular bubbling if there’s a crack or clog in the system’s condensate line.


Issues with your system’s wiring or electrical system may cause buzzing sounds. There could also be an issue with the ductless AC’s compressor, fan blower or condenser coils. Continuing to use your system while it’s making these sounds can create extra stress that decreases overall efficiency.


Over time, certain bolts, panels and components will become loose and create a rattling noise. If the sound originates from your compressor, there could be debris inside, causing harm to the system’s vital parts. Annual maintenance is an effective way to decrease system wear and tear that may result in loose or compromised components.

Irregular ductless AC sounds usually won’t go away without care. In most cases, the issue will only worsen and compromise more of the system. Call Frank’s Air Conditioning to schedule your maintenance or repair appointment in Orlando, FL.

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