Tips for Lowering Your Commercial Energy Bill

If you own a business in Kissimmee, Florida, you’re probably used to dealing with fairly high energy costs. After all, keeping your commercial space cool and comfortable for workers and customers is vital to success. However, you don’t have to keep spending big on this aspect of your business. Use these tips to lower your commercial energy bill so you can increase your month-to-month profits.

Turn Off Lights and Equipment

While it might not seem like a big deal, all those computers, monitors, and other office gadgets you have on all day use a lot of energy. While you’ll probably be using them during business hours, make sure to turn them off at night when you leave. Assign an employee to do a circuit of the building before they clock out to make sure everything not essential is powered down. Better yet, put a sleep timer on computers and install motion sensors on overhead lights.

Switch to Energy-Efficient Bulbs

If you’re still using antique fluorescent bulbs to light your office, you need to switch them out immediately. Statistics show that switching one 60-watt bulb for an 18-watt bulb can save your business at least $1 a month. Considering your business probably uses possibly dozens or hundreds of bulbs across your space, this small change adds up quickly.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Scheduling an HVAC maintenance appointment is one of the most important things you can do to lower your energy bill. During your appointment, a knowledgeable HVAC technician will skillfully clean, lubricate, and inspect your unit, making note of any potential issues. With your HVAC system working efficiently, you’ll see your cooling bill drop drastically, even when temperatures outside start to swell.

While we can’t help you remember to turn off electronics and change out your light bulbs, we can help you with commercial HVAC maintenance. Frank’s Air Conditioning has assisted numerous businesses across Orlando take care of their HVAC system and lower their energy bills. Schedule your appointment and discover the difference yourself by calling (407) 490-2070 today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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