3 Tips for Improving Efficiency in St. Cloud, FL

As the summer heat arrives in St. Cloud, FL, you’ll naturally be thinking of ways you can save money by increasing the energy efficiency of your home. The less your cooling system runs, the less energy you’ll need to pay for. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce the cost of using your cooling system, and improving its efficiency.

1. Maintenance

The first step to increase the efficiency of your cooling system is by implementing a maintenance plan with a local air services company. With a maintenance plan, you’ll save money by having a cooling system that is always in optimal working condition.

A professional technician will typically check and clean these cooling system components and features:

  • Refrigerant level
  • Thermostats
  • Electrical and fuel connections
  • Condenser coil
  • Blower components
  • Condensate drain

2. Insulation

Improving the insulation of your home can help with energy efficiency by limiting the airflow between the house, attic and the outdoors. If you have issues with drafty windows and doors, temperatures varying from room to room plus high power bills during the summer, then it may be time to better insulate your home.

You can add insulating materials to your attic, doors and windows. Installing insulating curtains can help block heat from the sun’s rays.

3. Thermostats

Most homeowners don’t fully utilize their thermostats to reduce the costs of running a cooling system. Simply by adjusting the thermostat, you can easily save on your energy bills. In the summer, set the thermostat at 78 degrees Fahrenheit for the times when you’re at home, and opt for a higher temperature when you’re away.

Call our team at Frank’s Air Conditioning for help with improving the energy efficiency of your home’s cooling system. We’re happy to share information on optimizing your energy usage and provide any other air comfort services you may need.

Image provided by iStock

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