3 Tips for Boosting AC Efficiency in Kissimmee, FL

Since temperatures in Kissimmee, FL are warm almost year-round, maintaining an efficient AC is important even during the fall. Here are three tips to help you use your AC more efficiently.

1. Keep Your Filters Clean

For your AC to function efficiently, air must flow through it smoothly. As your filters clean the air that passes through them, debris will accumulate on them, and this accumulation can eventually restrict airflow.

Remember to either change or clean your AC’s filters about once every two to three months. If you have pets, you may need to clean or replace your filters more frequently.

2. Schedule Tune-Ups

Many of the issues that your AC might experience will not be immediately evident. Many potentially destabilizing problems will only occur under the surface and may grow progressively worse. By the time such malfunctions make themselves obvious, your system may be in serious trouble.

Preventing such difficulties is one of the primary purposes of AC maintenance. A maintenance technician can detect and eliminate threats to your AC’s efficiency before they become unmanageable. We strongly advise you to schedule maintenance either annually or biannually.

3. Improve Your Insulation

Duct leaks can significantly decrease your AC’s efficiency. Such leaks typically happen because of holes in the ducts themselves, gaps in your insulation or a combination. As a consequence, treated air will either escape from your home or unwanted heat will enter it from outdoors.

Asking professionals to check your insulation is a good, proactive approach. Not only will this prevent energy waste, but it will help reduce strain on your system.

Maintaining your AC will help keep you comfortable and potentially increase the life of your system. Our family-owned and -operated team has been in business helping customers for over 30 years. Call Frank’s Air Conditioning and ask us for AC repair and maintenance services today in Kissimmee, FL.

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