3 HVAC Updates That’ll Save You Big

When it comes to your home in Celebration, Florida, you want to stay as comfortable as possible in the ongoing Florida heat. But blasting your air conditioning all the time means a high energy bill you probably don’t want to face. Here are some HVAC system updates, that will help you save while still keeping cool as a cucumber. Take a look at some of these options.

Smart Thermostats

Our smartphones have given us the opportunity to have smart homes with Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats. With the touch of a button, you can control your in-home thermostat and program your HVAC system in a more specific manner than ever before. Smart thermostats can even learn your habits and adjust the temperature when you’re not home.

Smart thermostats save you money on your utility and energy bills, while also giving you real-time data about your home’s system.


Different parts of your home get different amounts of sun and shade throughout the day, plus not all parts of your home are occupied at once. To address that issue and save some money, look into getting your HVAC system zoned. You can set your cooling schedule based on your home’s temperature patterns and cool your house in different areas at a time based on which part of your home needs it and when.

Motion-Activated HVAC

Motion-activated air conditioning is a recent technology, but it’s a great idea to make sure you’re not wasting your AC in a room with no one in it. Motion sensors detect when someone is moving around within a space, signaling the AC to cool these spaces only when it’s necessary. This means you’re not wasting cool air on an empty room, and you’re reducing strain on your system by running it less.

At Frank’s Air Conditioning, we’ve built our reputation on not up-selling or overselling, but instead providing personalized and precise service. If you live in Celebration, call us today at (407) 490-2070 to help you upgrade your HVAC system to help you save big on your energy bills.

Image provided by iStock

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