How to Prep Your Home for HVAC Installation in St. Cloud, FL

Installing a new residential HVAC system will typically take about a day. However, this estimated time frame can vary depending on what other services you may require, like a ductwork upgrade or a new air quality system. Here’s how you can make sure your home is ready for your upcoming HVAC installation in St. Cloud, FL.

Clear Your Driveway

When the installation team arrives, they’ll want to park their stocked van as close to your home as possible. This will make it easier for them to access their tools and equipment. It also minimizes how far they’ll have to travel when they bring out your old system and move the new one inside.

Consider putting your vehicles in your garage or parking them on the street. Don’t forget to move any lawn equipment, children’s toys or decor out of the way. Clearing your driveway and yard will minimize tripping hazards while giving your technicians plenty of space to work.

Check for Debris Around Your Outside System

If you’re having your air conditioner replaced, it’s best to clear any debris near the outdoor condenser. Cut back overgrown shrubbery, and remove old branches and nearby tall weeds. To protect your system, have at least three feet of clearance around it.

After installation, keeping the area clear will ensure our technicians can effortlessly complete their annual preventive maintenance. You also won’t have to worry about rocks or other debris getting inside and causing damage to the fan blades.

Make Room Inside Your Home

It’s not necessary to clean your whole home before the installation team arrives. Instead, make a path from your driveway to your HVAC system. If necessary, you can move large furniture or potential hassles, like rugs, out of the way.

Our technicians will also need access to your breaker box. During the installation, they may need to turn it off and on when working with the new system’s electrical wiring.

Be Available for Questions

The HVAC installation may take anywhere from a couple of hours to a day. It’s best to be available to the installation team during this time so that you can answer any potential questions.

Unfortunately, you may not be able to work as normal during this service due to the extra noise. You could also periodically lose access to electricity in certain areas of the home.

Additionally, our technician team may require access to your wireless internet connection. Installing a new HVAC system is a great time to invest in a new thermostat. Modern upgrades, such as Wi-Fi thermostats, require an active internet connection to make the most of their advanced features.

At the end of your service, our HVAC experts will offer you a detailed installation report and receipt. You can take this time to ask about the system’s warranty or its required filters. It may also be helpful to inquire about its maintenance needs and when it’s best to schedule your first care appointment.

Monitor Children and Pets

Remember to have a plan in place for your pets and children. Even if your pets are friendly, you don’t want them getting in the way of the installation. There’s a chance they may slip out unnoticed when the technicians are routinely moving in and out of the home.

Consider crating your pets or moving them to a different area. You could also use convenient pet fences to block off their access to the installation team.

Be sure to monitor your children and keep them away from the installation site. HVAC replacements involve handling heavy-duty equipment, gas lines and active electrical wires. It’s safest to minimize your technician’s distractions that could potentially lengthen the replacement process.

Fortunately, there are many easy ways you can get your home ready to welcome a new HVAC system. Preparing ahead of your appointment will help our technicians optimize their time. Call Frank’s Air Conditioning to schedule AC installation in St. Cloud, FL.

Image provided by iStock

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